Saturday 20 August 2011

Where's The Graphic Novel of Video Games?

I hate the term "videogames." Its banner spans too far and its definition too narrow. To be a little elitist for a second, I dislike how works like Red Dead Redemption share the same label as social games like Angry Birds. When I say, "I play video games," it could mean literally dozens of different activities. It could mean I play Wii Fit, FarmVille, or Shadow of the Colossus. This term has such a massive umbrella, encompassing such a wide variety of interactive activities, that anything electronically interactive is considered a video game. It's a shame, because as long as titles like Mass Effect, L.A. Noire, and LIMBO continue to be referred to as games, this art form will continue to be less credible in the eyes of the mainstream. The term "videogames" is too broad for such a diverse range of activates, yet it does not effectively define all areas of the medium.