Sunday 4 December 2011

Storytelling: Why Games Aren't Inferior to Film

Compared to movies, games are absolute crap at telling stories. They are horrid, absolutely horrid. Sometimes, when  in the middle of an intense firefight, completely oblivious to the jarhead chatter of my fellow marines, I ponder as to why games seem to be incapable of telling tales a notch above B-list action movies. Now, some games aren't like this (and I'll get to those rare cases in a second), but most are and it's becoming a little embarrassing. Through narrative, film can create incredible emotional experiences like The Hurt Locker, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and Cast Away. Why are games completely incapable of even touching stories of this level? Never, in the history of playing video games have I experienced a game that has even touched on what film achieves countless times every year.