Tuesday 1 January 2013

Critiquing the Narrative of Halo 4

When videogames mimic film, it's only fair that they be held to the same standards as the medium they've taken inspiration from. Plot structure, exposition, coherency, and overall narrative quality are hardly exclusive to film, but I feel videogames aren't held to similar standards in these areas when they should be. For example, how critics barely touched upon Darksiders' cringe-inducing, confusing, and cluttered story is deflating. At many points throughout the game, Darksiders made me stop and critically think why I enjoy playing games. Its narrative was so juvenile and so poorly executed that I questioned whether I was too old to be playing videogames at all. In a time where narratives are becoming increasingly important to the videogame experience, I think it's imperative that reviewers be more critical, and place a greater value on, narrative execution.