Monday 21 May 2012

Prediction Roundup: Volume II

 Prediction Roundup attempts to rationalize and provide insight to some of the gaming industry's most pressing questions by using deductive reasoning and supporting facts. Following each prediction is a handy "confidence meter" displaying how Game Nook views the prediction's probability.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Prediction Roundup: Volume I

Prediction Roundup attempts to rationalize and provide insight to some of the gaming industry's most pressing questions by using deductive reasoning and supporting facts. Following each prediction is a handy "confidence meter" displaying how Game Nook views the prediction's probability.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Why Mass Effect 3's Ending Could Be Genius

 WARNING: Mass Effect 3 spoilers ahead

Going into Mass Effect 3, I'd already heard of the controversies surrounding the ending, so I wasn't too surprised of the lack of closure and how little my choices mattered. However, what I wasn't expecting was how nonsensical and confusing the ending was to me. "How did Garrus, who accompanied me on my race to the Conduit and supposedly died, get on the jungle planet?" I said to myself, as the credits rolled by to The Faunt's catchy new tune. "W-who exactly is the Catalyst and why is it in the form of the child Shepard saw on Earth?" I further pondered. Some sort of symbolism perhaps? I really didn't have a strong opinion of the ending because I assumed it went over my head and I just missed something. As it turns out, that could potentially be the case.